Points: 375 points Solves: 2 Difficulty: hard
We are given a pcap and a elf executable binary logs.pcap
and nothing_to_see_here
Opening logs.pcap
in wireshark, we see a lot of traffic: dns, http, tcp, ping
So, we thought that maybe the exfiltration happend using the dns requests, there are multiple tehniques:
- using subdomains to exfiltrate small ammount of data with each dns request
- time based, ascii could be exfiltrated by noticing the time difference between the requests
- using checksum (it will be shown as unverified)
but none of these gave us anything useful. Finally we notice a custom protocol, made for iot devices like light bulbs:
we can see that the requests info contain the commands sent to the light bulb
we used tshark to get the message informations from the packets, here the brightness field caught my eye because it was either 0 or 100, no other value in between
got all these values using tshark:
tshark -r logs.pcap -Y "tcp.dstport == 9999" -T fields -e tplink_smarthome.msg | awk -F " " '{print $10}' | tr -d ","
-Y <display filter> : Apply a display filter.
-T <format> : Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data. Common formats include `text`, `json`, `psml`, etc.
fields : This option allows you to specify which fields of the packet you want to display. It's often used with `-e` to extract specific fields.
-e <field> : Specify a field to print. Used with `-T fields` to extract specific fields from the packet data.
awk -F " " -> we specify that space char is the delimiter, it will split the output into words
'{print $10}' -> we print the 10th element of the line, it means the 10th
tr -d "," -> get rid of commas ','
after this , we got rid of the 00
, replaced them with nothing, then made it into a binary string
After decoding, we see that there’s some text which are uname
and employee_export.csv
At this step we were stuck at the ctf, didn’t figure out that those are the commands, and the stuff after them the zlib flated contents. We can save the output from binary as a file, and run binwalk on it: